
Brufe, Terras de Bouro

Situated on the slopes of the Serra Amarela, facing the river Homem valley, Brufe is a picturesque and very well-preserved mountain village, where it is worth spending some time. Exploring the streets of the village will reveal aspects of its building heritage, especially the houses with their granite walls and buildings associated with agricultural activity, such as the espigueiros and the stone walls that flank the farm tracks. The small levelled fields arranged on terraces surround the village with their mixed cultivation and grazing interspersed with woodland copses.

This was one of the first villages in the region to prepare to receive tourists when, in the 1990s, a praiseworthy project involving the restoration of buildings for tourist accommodation in the Rural Environment started. In the village visitors can also enjoy excellent eating, but above all the memorable landscape.

It is believed that the origin of the village name comes from Berulfi, which means wolf, the wild animal that is culturally linked to these mountain communities.



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