
Cabril, Montalegre

The village of Pincães still has a well-preserved group of little altered traditional buildings which tell us much about the traditions and culture of this mountain community. Examples include the espigueiros (maize stores), mills, cattle byres and dwellings, old paved tracks that lead the way to the mountains or agricultural fields, the olive press, Pedra d’Agua, amongst others.

Traditional customs and activities remain very much alive. The daily routine of the people who live here continues to be marked by the intense activity around the cattle and fields and making use of the common land resources. Smoke curing and honey production are also important economic activities for the community.

Its biophysical and climatic characteristics give Pincães a remarkable biodiversity especially in the areas of oak woods and heathland that are at higher altitudes. These two predominant habitat types preserve a remarkable diversity of species of flora and woodland wildlife. Worthy of mention also is the famous Pincães Waterfall, one of the most remarkable and beautiful in the Barroso region. It is accessible on foot via an old track that leaves the village going towards the olive press.



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