
The village of Ameijoeira marks the border between Portugal and Galicia, having once been the site of a customs post, at the time when the frontier marked the rigid limit of the nation and where it controlled who and what entered and left the country and where many saw their goods confiscated. Others chose to circumvent the border, jumping across to Galicia using smugglers’ tracks.

Ameijoeira is a very quiet village, with very few inhabitants, with evident signs of depopulation and the relative abandonment of agricultural activity. Previously this hamlet was just inhabited during the winter months, when the population moved from the higher settlements (brandas) situated on the Castro Laboreiro plateau, down to the shelter of settlements in the Valley (Inverneiras), as was the case with Ameijoeira.

No services exist here, people being obliged to travel to Castro Laboreiro, for access to a café or general store. However, we can at the same time appreciate the old community oven, an archaic structure built of slabs and granite blocks where the community once cooked bread.

Worth mentioning as well is the small Senhor de Boa Morte chapel, where people gather to celebrate the local festa held in the beginning of September.



Love & share Gerês: